Monday, April 4, 2022

What I Learned About Technology (EOTO 1)

 Twitter was released in 2006 and started becoming important in politics in 2008. This was because it was an election year. The interesting thing is that Obama won the election and had a following that was much larger than his competitor. The pros of Twitter are that there is instant news but, it can be false information. There is terrible privacy, someone who was a minor scammer was able to hack into a bunch of accounts. It is also not very effective when trying to communicate with friends.

The impact of Instagram is that you are able to stay connected with the world as well as with your friends. It allows people to express their creativity. There are also ways to raise awareness for issues around the world. The cons are that there is cyberbullying which can severely damage someone's mental health. There is also many ways that people can spread false information on the app. 

Youtube was made in 2005 by former employees of Paypal. Paypal actually helped fund the start of Youtube. They currently have 2 billion users. The idea was that people would be able to share their home videos. Obviously, Youtube has expanded and offers a lot more than this. There have been a lot of people who have been able to make a career off Youtube. They pay people by running advertisements on their videos. One key impact of Youtube is education. You can basically look up "how to" for anything and you most likely will find answers. Some flaws of Youtube are that misinformation can be spread easily, it can be a major distraction, and there are some things in videos that some people don't want to see. Youtube was bought by Google after just a year and a half of it being created. This was a fantastic investment for Google because today Youtube is estimated to be worth around $160 million.

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