Monday, April 11, 2022

Eight Values of Free Expression

 The Eight Values of Free Expression are very important, especially in the world we live in today. I think that the most important value of free expression is a marketplace of ideas. We live in a world where people will hear one thing on Tiktok and completely believe it. This spirals into them telling their friends about it and claiming it as fact which will cause a group of people to believe the same false thing. I think that it is important to hear all opinions on subjects to learn different perspectives on things. 

I think that the world should encourage people to speak freely and express their opinions and values in life. This is the only way for people to actually understand where someone is coming from. For example, the one thing that everyone says you aren't supposed to talk about is politics. This is because the world is so divided and people don't wanna make others mad or disappointed because their views are different. This leads to people not understanding the other side's opinions and just calling them stupid or uneducated. I've never understood this rule because I have friends who have completely different views than me but, we are able to have civil conversations about it, and are able to understand why each person has these views. 

The world is constantly changing and with that our language is constantly changing. Some things that were completely fine to say a few years ago will now offend a lot of people. The new thing that has been starting up recently, especially for celebrities is cancel culture. This cancel culture is ruining people's careers even when the news about them is proven to be false later on. When cancel culture goes for someone they try to make everyone in the world against that one person. Personally I think that cancel culture is ridiculous because everybody makes mistakes. Just because someone words something incorrectly one time doesn't make them a bad person and the world shouldn't turn against them. These people who are getting canceled don't even get a chance to explain themselves. Also, a lot of these things that people get canceled for are for social media posts. You can't really tell someones emtions based on their social media posts. People can interpert things the entire wrong way but, it's just becuase thats how their mind reads it. 

Another reason marketplace of ideas is important is to find the trurth. People should be encouraged to spread ideas because the more opinions that are heard, the more understanding the world will be. People don't like to hear others opinions if they disagree with their own. If everyone was encouraged by others to express their opinions the world would be a much better place. Some people are very shy when it comes to opinions, but if they were encouraged to I think they would. Under the First Amendment you are given the freedom of speech, so people should be encouraged to use this freedom. Even in a company setting it is important to have a marketplace of ideas. There shouldn't just be one person who makes all the decisions and it's their way or the highway. It is important that people in a company are allowed to brainstorm and express their ideas because better decisions will be made. When one person is the only person in a group that makes decisions a lot of things will be overlooked and mistakes will be made.

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