Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Progressive Era

 The issue with mainstream media is that they only tell the public what they want to hear. They look at the news as more of a business than a passion. They want to make as much money as possible so they just agree with the most common public beliefs so people watch and listen. I can't even watch the news anymore because of this. I personally like to hear opposing views on-topic but, nobody does that because they are afraid to get canceled and lose viewers. It totally goes against the marketplace of ideas concept because it preaches that we are only supposed to hear one viewpoint and agree with it. 

These websites are very interesting. At first glance, they look very poorly funded which makes sense because not a lot of people have ever heard of them. I think that mainstream media sources don't want people to hear these articles because they go against everything that the majority of their viewers believe. I also think that a big thing is that people don't like to read as much as they use to. It is so easy to just turn on your tv and watch mainstream media. People don't like to go through the work of having to do their own research on the news going on around the world. People also just don't like to hear things that disagree with their beliefs. This is a major issue in the world we live in today and I don't see it ever changing. 

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The Progressive Era

 The issue with mainstream media is that they only tell the public what they want to hear. They look at the news as more of a business than ...