Saturday, April 30, 2022

Final Post

     The Futurama video made some great key points about technology. They did have some things that they predicted incorrectly but, it was made a long time ago and their prediction has some relevant information. Technology has definitely been a savior but, it hasn't solved all our problems and it has actually created more problems.  

Technology has been able to advance in ways that nobody could've ever imagined when this video came out. For example, the invention of the iPhone has made its own advancements since it first came out in 2007. People like to say that the iPhone has taken away a lot from society which it definitely has but, the same people who say this still own an iPhone. The phone does more good than bad just because of its advancements in communication. With things like facetime, you are allowed to see and talk to someone in real-time. Facetime allows you to still get that face-to-face interaction even when the other person is across the world. The iPhone has also completely changed the way that people take pictures. There is no need to buy an expensive camera when your phone can take just as good of pictures and these pictures can easily be shared via airdrop or by text. 

As seen in "Mad World Remix of Moby Video (Are You Lost In The World Like Me)" technology has also caused some problems in the world. In the video, it is seen that a person is standing on the edge of a building ready to take their own life. There are multiple people standing and watching doing nothing to help. Instead, these people are filming this person when they are the people who should be getting help. I do think that this example is a bit extreme but, it makes a good point. In today's world, it is seen far too often that people would rather record something and watch it later than enjoy living in the moment. People will spend thousands of dollars to buy tickets to events such as a concert or sporting events and they would rather film than watch

Another thing that this video touch upon is how big of a distraction technology is. It is seen in the video that people are so distracted that they walk into a sewer drain and the guy working on the sewer drain doesn't even notice because he is on his phone as well. Also, at the end of the video, it is shown that hundreds of people are so distracted by their phones that they just walk off a cliff. Once again these are overly exaggerated examples but, these things do happen quite frequently. The CDC released an article on distracted driving which number I would've never thought was so high. It was reported that 3,100 people were killed as a result of distracted driving which is only about 1/3 of the total number of people who are killed from drunk driving each year. The article also says that 424,000 people were injured as a result of distracted driving. An interesting fact I found was that 1 out of every 5 deaths was not in vehicles. These were people that were walking or riding bikes. 

I think that my relationship with technology is very healthy compared to the average person my age. I have no problem not having my phone on me. I also don't really care for social media/texting all that much, which is in my opinion easily the biggest distraction to my age group. I do have social media but, I don't use it nearly as much as the average person my age. I think that people get to caught up in the world of social media that they forget to stay connected with the real world. Personally, I think that it is all a waste of time and nothing that I see or do on social media is going to matter in 10 years. Also, I can't stand the concept of having a conversation over text. If you ask any one of my friends they will tell you that I would rather have you call me than text me. I can't stand having to type on my phone and I don't like reading texts on my phone either.  I also think that you can't understand someone's emotions or motives in a text nearly as well as you can do through a phone call or facetime. 

Although there are a lot of problems that technology has caused it has definitely helped with workloads. Before technological advancements, everything had to be hand made and it took forever. The issue is these machines take the place of humans and a lot of people have lost their jobs because of it. The breakdown is pretty simple though, you don't have to pay machines. There is just the upfront cost and the occasional maintenance. Technology is also great for staying in touch with people. The majority of people who own a phone always has it on them so it takes seconds to get in contact with another person. The phone is also great for emergencies because of how easy it is to contact the services. I think that all in all technology has definitely been a positive impact on today's society. The industry will never stop growing and I'm excited to see what happens in the future.

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