Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Diffusion Theory (Facebook)

 Facebook's pioneers were its founders Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes. The early adopters were college students who attended Harvard University. The idea caught on because Zuckerberg had recently made a website where men would grade the women who attended Harvard based on attractiveness. This website was a huge hit for men, but was not a hit for women. Zuckerberg came up with an idea that brought all Harvard students together, which was Facebook. On the first day that Facebook was released, it already had over 1,000 people join.

The early majority of Facebook were college students, which is ironic because today college students barely use it. They use social media platforms such as Tiktok, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. The idea caught this early majority's attention because people saw what Havard students had and they wanted it for their campus. This led to Facebook spreading to college campuses around the world. After just one year, Facebook reached over 1 million users. Facebook then became more than just a platform for college students. Facebook was opened up to the public, and there was no student email necessary to join. This led to high school students joining and even middle school students joining. Facebook quickly became the largest social media platform in the world. Even the parents who joined Facebook at this time would be considered to be part of the early majority.

The late majority was mainly parents who knew of Facebook but, didn't exactly understand it. These parents knew of Facebook because their kids and all their friends were constantly using it. Once these parents joined they because just as addicted to it as their children were. I would say that today, the main people who still use Facebook are part of the late majority. Facebook has lost touch which high school and college students. They haven't changed their platform to fit the standards of that generation but, not having that change could be the reason that the late majority still uses it. I would even put some of the grandparents who found Facebook early in this.

The laggards are all the people who got Facebook late. These would be people who were against social media or people who neglected to get a smartphone until later in life. I would think that you would rarely see a high school or college student in this section. This would fit more of the parents and grandparents demographic. I would think that these people still frequently use Facebook since it is still new to them.

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