Wednesday, April 20, 2022

What I Learned EOTO 2

 Propaganda started in Athens, the Athenians weren't happy about the propaganda that was made for Greek games, theaters, and festivals. Propaganda is more formally known for the World War 2 era. It is also used to promote change in the world. For example, it was used after George Floyd died. Propaganda is usually taught to be a bad thing but it can be used for good things. 

Disinformation is information that is deliberately and wants to influence public opinion. Misinformation is information that is false or inaccurate regardless of intent. This can be seen in fake news, which would be considered disinformation because these news sources are trying to spread false information to make people look bad. The issue is when disinformation occurs a lot of people don't do their research and just believe the first source that they read. This is how people's images can be ruined even when the information is false. One famous case of misinformation is when President Obama was running for office and people were saying that he might not be from the U.S because he was hesitant to share his birth certificate. This was proven to be false.

Five eyes is an alliance between the U.S, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. It is a top-secret agreement between these nations. They share information with each other and vow to not spy on each other. Now there are the 9 eyes and the 14 eyes. It is now known that these governments would monitor their own citizens as well as each other,s citizens. The 5 eyes are considered an invasion of privacy.

An echo chamber is an environment where the same opinions are voiced over and over again. The majority of echo chambers are found on social media. The issue with that is that the majority of people get their news from social media. People are finding repeated messages which lead them to believe they are true even when they aren't. The positive impact is that it brings an audience together. It makes it a lot easier to find people with similar interests. The negative impact is that it goes against market place of ideas. This is negative because no other opinions are being shared which causes people to only believe one opinion. 

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The Progressive Era

 The issue with mainstream media is that they only tell the public what they want to hear. They look at the news as more of a business than ...