Tuesday, March 15, 2022

My Top Five Sources of News and Information

My most used source of news and information is Twitter. I use Twitter every day to mainly hear news about sports. I have notifications on for the main news sources of all major sports. I follow sports heavily so I like to hear major news right away. I also follow some news sources on Twitter and some politicians but don't have my notifications on for their accounts. Another way I use Twitter is by exploring their trending page which shows the topics that have been tweeted about the most recently. I like Twitter because it is easy to use and it's also highly entertaining. 

My second most used source of news and information is my parents. I was never really into politics until Covid occurred because not only was a global pandemic going on but, there was also an election coming up. I quickly learned that there was so much about politics that I didn't understand. My parents always help explain different concepts that I don't quite understand. I also have multiple conversations with them every week about current events happening in the world.

My third most used source of news and information is television. My most-watched channel is probably ESPN because of my obsession with sports. For normal news channels, I like to watch different channels to see how their coverage of news differs. A lot of people that I meet strictly watch news channels based on their political beliefs but, I think it's great to get different perspectives from all the news channels. I like to use the TV to receive news because it's something to do in my free time or while I'm eating a meal. I also like it because it keeps me up to date with other things such as the weather.'

My fourth most used source of news and information is Instagram. I mainly follow people I know as well as athletes/celebrities, but I also follow some news pages. I don't want too many news posts on my feed because I don't use the app mainly for news. I don't like to use it for news that much because I don't like reading on the app. I think an app like Twitter is set up better to read paragraphs of information. I like to use the app to watch videos of things happening around the world.

My fifth most used source of news and information is the internet. I don't use this source as much because I will only really look things up to either fact-check something or to research something I'm heavily interested in. I wouldn't normally just look through various news websites to keep up with current events because I find that to be boring. I really only look up news websites if there are major events occurring in the world or if I'm unsure about something I read on another source of news. I like using this source because it is easy to use and you can get answers quickly.

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